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Year 5

Meet the team

Welcome to Year 5

What have we done this term to make us feel Proud?


The children in Year 5 have had a really successful term and done lots of things to feel proud of!


· This term, Year 5 are proud of our respect all assembly.

· It was great to see the children turning into an explorers in our mini– adventure ‘Scott of the Antarctic . The children took part in expeditions and challenges which heighted their curiosity

· As part of Spanish, we have been creating weather forecasts videos. We have really enjoyed pretending to be Spanish weather presenters.   El tiempo es estupendo hoy.         

· The children have toughly enjoyed their swimming lessons. Over half of the year have achieved national curriculum and others have extended their skills in gaining their water safety badge.

· Year 5, have shown great collaboration with their reading buddies in year 1 during world book day.

· Year 5, have enjoyed taking part in the Chuckery flats competition. They had shown great creativity and perseverance in this.


What we will be learning about in the summer term.


The mini-adventures your child will be covering are?


· Space—How do the Earth, moon and planets move around the solar system

· Environmentalist—How can we save our planet?

· Life cycle— What pattern of change can be seen among organisms?

· Mayans—Why should we study the Maya?

· Inspiration— Who is inspiring?


They will be learning about:



· Reasoning with addition—Solve addition and subtraction problems including with fractions in different contexts, appropriately choosing and using number facts, understanding of place value and mental and written methods.

· Number sense— represent and explain the relationship between decimals, fractions and percentages and how decimals and fractions fit into the number system. They use this understanding to solve problems

· Reasoning with Multiplication— Pupils will learn to solve problems involving multiplication and division in different contexts, appropriately choosing and using number facts, understanding of place value and mental and written methods.

· Reasoning with geometry— Pupils can explain how to find the perimeter and area of different shapes, using this knowledge and understanding to solve problems.



· Narrative—one small step

· Persuasive text—Plastic pollution

· Explanation—Life cycles

· Recount—Where did the Mayan’s go? 

Our learning in pictures!