Background to the Charity
In 2019 the school was informed it had been bequeathed a significant sum of money by Mrs Marie Cooper in her last will and testament.
It was decided by the Governors of the school to set up a Charitable Trust to ensure the funds were used to support the children who attend the school today and those that will attend in the future.
The Objects of the Charity are to advance the education of the pupils of Chuckery Primary School for the public benefit by the provision of funds and facilities which are not required to be provided by the local education authority for education at the school but otherwise in such manner as the Trustees shall from time to time decide.
The benefits include the provision of additional financial support to Chuckery Primary School above and beyond that provided by the local education authority including learning experiences and opportunities to broaden the outlook and life chances of the children; advancing physical and mental well-being of the children who attend and promoting social cohesion and welfare within the vicinity - all for the direct benefit of the children and indirectly for the benefit of the families and others in the local community.