Welcome to Nursery
Welcome to Nursery
Meet the team

What have we done this term to make us proud?
We are so proud that the children are happy to come to nursery everyday, they have settled in well and are beginning to follow the nursery routines. Many of the children are now attempting to take their coats off to hang onto their pegs. At snack time the children are making choices of what they would like to eat or drink and are showing confidence in feeding themselves.
The staff are also proud that the children are beginning to explore the classroom environment freely and can access the resources independently. They are still trying to remember where things go in our classroom and are beginning to use the picture prompts to help them sort the toys out into their correct places. We are also proud that the children enjoy mindful yoga to help them settle at carpet times.
What we have been learning about this term
In Autumn 1 nursery have been learning about 'This is me'. They have been busy talking about their family members and who lives with them. They have been looking at each other carefully to identify the similarities and differences between them through painting pictures, drawing, making models and transient art. The children have been talking about thing that they like and dislike such as favourite foods, area of play, things they like to do at home.
At the beginning of this half term we learnt about Diwali and how Hindu families celebrate it. We investigated patterns and created our own Rangoli design. Later, we made barfi an Indian sweet to eat at snack time together.
Our second mini adventure was all about 'Woodlands' the children have been investigating woodland animals, their names, what they look like and their habitat. They have been exploring lots of natural materials that you would find in the woods.
Our last mini adventure this term was 'Christmas' where we have learnt about what people do during this celebration and being part of the Early Years Nativity.
PE is on Monday Afternoon for pm children and Friday Morning for am children. All children need PE kits in school to change for PE.
Our Timetable