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Year 1



Welcome to Year 1

Meet the team

N Palmer (Class 4 Teacher)S South (Class 5 Teacher)M McCormickS Aktar N Nightingale

What have we done this term to make ourselves proud?


The children have written a fantastic fact file all about the four seasons. They have used amazing scientific language and extended their sentences using conjunctions to add extra detail.

During our London mini adventure the children made moving vehicles using an axle and wheels. They decorated their vehicles to look like red London buses. Then enjoyed testing their buses down the ramp to see how fast they could travel. Well done Year One!




What we have been learning about this half term


This term we have been learning all about the four seasons and the different weather patterns associated with each. The children have been tracking the daily weather and temperature.

In PE, the children have been developing their cricket skills by learning how to correctly hold a bat and how to strike a ball.

In Science, The children have been exploring everyday materials. They can name a range of materials and sort them in accordance to their properties. They have used this knowledge to design and make an umbrella for Incy Wincy Spider. They tested their umbrellas to see how waterproof they were.

What we will be learning about in the Spring term.


The mini-adventures your child will be covering are:

- Religions and rituals


-On Safari


They will be learning about:


The children will be applying their knowledge of number to solve problems involving measures (capacity, volume, length, height and weight).



The children will be writing a retell of the class story Little Red Riding Hood. They will also be writing a travel journal all about adventures in the Savannah! We will continue to work on sentence construction and punctuation. 



The children will be learning about which animals live in a woodland and in a savannah. They will group animals based on whether they are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.