Year 1
Welcome To Year One
Meet the team

What have we done this term to make ourselves proud?
Year One were so excited to visit the Safari Park and were all really amazed to see the animals we had learned about and they were all best version of themselves.
Year One made us very proud of them during Sports Day. The children all tried their best when taking part in all of the different sport activities.
We are proud of the children and how hard they have worked this year. They have all settled into Year One and grown and developed so much over the last year. We will miss them next year!
Well done Year One!
What we have been learning about this half term
We really enjoyed our mini-adventure ‘What might we see on a safari?’ We learned all about the animals in the Masai Mara National reserve and their habitats and saw many of the animals during our visit to the Safari Park. We compared Kenya to Walsall. In Literacy we wrote a recount about our visit to the Safari Park.
We learned all about important nurses in History and how they have helped to change the nursing profession. We learned about Florence Nightingale and Sister Dora in History. In Literacy we found out about the life of Mary Seacole and wrote her life in a biography.
The children were very enthusiastic about our mini-adventure ‘Can a salad be a work of art?’ The children were very excited for this mini adventure. We looked at our bodies and healthy food in Science. In DT we tasted different vegetables and then created our Salad works of art. In Literacy we wrote instructions How to make salad art.
What we will be learning about in the Spring term.
The mini-adventures your child will be covering are:
-How are maps used in stories?
-Did Neil Armstrong teach us anything from his exploration?
-RE What questions puzzle us?
They will be learning about:
In Maths the children will learn to recap recognising the place value of each digit in a two-digit number. They will read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations. They will count in steps of 2 and 5 from 0 and in tens from any number, forward and backwards. Then in Measure they will compare and order lengths, mass, volume and capacity. Then they will compare and sequence intervals of time.
In Literacy the children will write an information report about looking at maps in stories. The children will be writing in sentences with capital letters and full stops, using a range of conjunctions, adverbs and adjectives. In Literacy the children will write an information report about looking at maps in stories. The children will be writing in sentences with capital letters and full stops, using a range of conjunctions, adverbs and adjectives.