Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Latest updates:
Please ensure your child is in school on time so we can work on our times tables.
*Library day is Wednesday. Please remind children to bring in their books and place them in the box outside their classroom.
What have we done this term to make us feel Proud?
This term, we have been working incredibly hard on our times tables ready for our nationwide test next year. The progress we have made in our scores is quite incredible! This knowledge is then helping us in our maths lessons as well. We will be learning them each morning next term so punctual attendance is still needed. We have also made stunning progress with our writing. Lots of children now have pen licenses due to their incredibly neat handwriting with many more close to gaining theirs.
What we have been learning about this term
We have learned about so many things this term—our first mini adventure was rivers and led us to going on a trip to look at the River Trent, spotting many examples of the vocabulary we had been learning. The children’s behaviour was a real credit to the school and their families. We then learned about the Tudors and the Plague in history—the children showed great curiosity in these mini adventures through their many questions! We learned and wrote poems about Henry VIII—what a rotter he was! Hopefully, you were able to see these performance on Weduc. Science has looked at the states of matter and sound. We incorporated our sound mini adventure with our dance unit, looking at how sound is made through vibrations and how our bodies can make all sorts of different sounds for us to move to. We worked individually and in pairs to do this and then performed to other children within the class. In RE, we have looked at the religion of Islam and how Muslims live their lives following their beliefs. We also looked at different religious festivals during Inter-faith week and had a visit from Reverend Christine.
The mini-adventures your child will be covering are?
What happens when we eat?
How does religion inspire us to care?
Was the Roman invasion of Britain a success?
How do you make an electric circuit game?
What is it like to be a Hindu?
Please see below the focus of learning in each area of the Curriculum
English (Reading and writing): Writing an information report on the digestive system, poetry based on Maya Angelou, an explanation text about circuits and electricity and a recount about Roman life.
Maths: the four operations, decimals and measurement including converting units of measurement and position.
Humanities (Geography and History) How the Roman invaded Britain and parts of Europe, looking at why they chose to do this and the impact it had on Britain and the wider world.
The Arts (Music and Art) Producing a collage to demonstrate how the digestive system works and looking at mosaics linked to the Roman unit.
PE Cricket skills including batting, bowling and fielding followed by athletics.
RE identifying the role religion has on people’s life choices and being better people, learning the key beliefs of Hindus and how this impacts upon they way they choose to live their lives
Design and Technology making a buzz wire game to show our understanding of electricity.
Computing: Safe and fun experiences and rings of responsibilities.
Personal and Social Development: A balanced diet and healthy eating, responding to others and being empathetic, changes within our life that cause different emotions.
Please follow this link to practise the times tables test.