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Assessment information


Assessment in Maths

Children’s progress and attainment in Maths is assessed as an ongoing process. At Chuckery, we use both Formative , Summative and Statutory Assessments to ensure that each child is assessed for their progress and attainment.


Formative assessment


  •  Across the school, class teachers use formative assessment during daily Maths lessons to ascertain which children in their class have achieved the expected standard and which chidlren may need additional support or challenge . 

  • This formative assessment is completed each lesson through teacher observations, conversations and short maths check activities such as rapid recall sessions of declarative facts ( ie such as number bonds, times tables knowledge , formula etc) At the end of each unit teachers may also use a hot task to assess where children currently sit in their understanding of a new concept to inform their immediate planning.


Summative assessment and Statutory Tests 



 Summative assessments are the formal assessments that are used across the school to inform teacher judgements and to chart progress and attainment scores. Here at Chuckery, we use the  NTA maths tests at the end of the Autumn and Summer term to support judgements and demonstrate standardised scores to chart attainment against national average expectations for each year group . The children are assessed as emerging, expected or exceeding in the subject in relation to their year group expectations. Progress of each child is tracked formally and any children that are found not to be meeting their targets are then targeted so that provision can be made in key areas of their learning so they are able to be supported effectively and make accelerated progress so they are back on track to meet their expectations.


Statutory Assessments


Statutory assessments are the assessments that are directed for all schools to undertake at key points in your child's education by the Department for Education.


As soon as our children enter the school in Reception, they complete a baseline assessment .This is a statutory obligation and helps to inform the provision for every child .


By the end of Reception , children are assessed against the Early Learning Goal indicators in the areas of Number and Numerical patterns. This forms a part of the assessment to ensure a Good Level of Development has been achieved by our learners


As the children progress through the school, there are milestones they must complete for the statutory assessments. This includes the Year 2 KS1 SATS , the Year 4 multiplication checker and the Year 6 KS2 SATS . These give an indication of whether your child has met the agreed national expectation for the end of their Key Stage. 

SATs, are made up of a selection of reasoning and arithmetic questions, are carried out at the end of Years 2 and 6. If you would like to see an example of the most up-to-date test, follow the links below:


Year 2

2022 maths reasoning paper

2022 maths arithmetic paper 



Year 6

2022 maths reasoning

2022 maths arithmetic 



Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check


Since June 2020, all children in Year 4 are expected to take the new Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). They will need to know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12.


Therefore, please support your children in learning the times tables and practising them with them. Learning the times tables doesn't just mean being able to recite the times tables in order but it also means being able to recall them at speed in random orders as well as knowing associated facts such as 'Because 5x6=30 I also know that 30÷6=5 and 30÷5-6 and 50x6 =300 and 0.5x6=3'


The national expectation for knowing times tables is that by the end of Year 2 all children know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, by the end of Year 3 all children also know 3, 4 and 8 times tables and by the end of Year 4 all children know all times tables up to 12x12.


The website called website is an excellent site to help you learn your tables. Follow the link below to see if you can earn your Big Diploma: