Parent workshops and helpful links
Year 1 and Year 2 parents meeting - Mathematics
Year 3 and 4 Parental workshop
Year 5 and Year 6 Parental Workshop
November 2022 workshops

" Now I understand what he is doing when he does his calculations this way , its so different from when I was at school!" Year 3 parent
" I hadnt realised that there were so many ways to unpick a times table question, Its going to help me too!"
Year 3 Parent
"Its been really useful to see how maths is taught higher up the school , It wasn't taught like this in my home country!" Year 5 Parent
"The workshop was really helpful for me to see how the children learn in school now and when I went to class she used the counters really well to show me how she made sense of the question. Ive never seen her do this before but we can definitely do this at home now!" Year 2 Parent
May 2023 parental presentation- Times Table Checker
Year 4 Times Table Checker parents presentation 2023
Maths support – Powerpoints
Dear Parents and Carers,
A question that is commonly asked when supporting children at home is how to help them understand their Maths in the right way. Often, ways of teaching concepts have changed since we were at school…
To support you with this we have linked to Powerpoint presentations created by the NCETM – the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics. These have been designed to support teachers with their lesson plans. They are a useful tool as you can use them to prompt your child to talk about the Mathematical concepts that are taught in school. Sometimes children can answer questions without a deep knowledge of how or why a concept works and these presentations can draw this out, encouraging children to look for patterns and improve their efficiency.
To start we have added the Number and Place Value files for each year group below for you to explore with your children. We hope you find them helpful:
Year 1 1NPV-1 Count forwards and backwards within 100
1NPV-2 Numbers to 20 in the linear number system
Year 2 2NPV-1 Place value in two-digit numbers
2NPV-2 Two-digit numbers in the linear number system
Year 3 3NPV-1 Equivalence of 10 tens and 1 hundred
3NPV-2 Place value in three-digit number
3NPV-3 Three-digit numbers in the linear number system
3NPV-4 Reading scales with 2 4 5 or 10 intervals
Year 4 4NPV-1 Equivalence of 10 hundreds and 1 thousand
4NPV-2 Place value in four-digit numbers
4NPV-3 Four-digit numbers in the linear number system
4NPV-4 Reading scales with 2 4 5 or 10 intervals.pptx
Year 5 5NPV-1 Tenths and hundredths
5NPV-2 Place value in decimal fractions
5NPV-3 Decimal fractions in the linear number system
5NPV-4 Reading scales with 2 4 5 or 10 intervals
5NPV-5 Convert between units of measure
Year 6 6NPV-1 Powers of 10
6NPV-2 Place value in numbers up to 10 000 000
6NPV-3 Numbers up to 10 million in the linear number system
6NPV-4 Reading scales with 2 4 5 or 10 intervals