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Year 2




Welcome to Year 2

Meet the team

Both classes in Year 2 have PE every Thursday. Reading and Spelling books are needed in school everyday. 

What have we done this term to make us feel Proud?


Year 2 have had a fantastic summer term full of trips, in-school experiences and lots of fun.


The children showed great perseverance and team work when navigating around Cannock Chase in search of The Gruffalo and his friends. Their team work didn’t stop there. They worked exceptionally hard together to then create their very own maps in the classroom. The children thought carefully about the symbols used and included these clearly in their keys.


This term the children have shown great sportsmanship during their sports day; they have showcased their musical talents and some have even tested what it would be like to be a police officer!


They have shown great learning behaviours towards their work and they should be proud of all they have achieved this year.


What we have been learning about this term?


Summer term has been full of fun and surprises. From visits to Cannock Chase, taking part in sports day and even to exploring how the world was created.


We started off the term with our Gruffalo mini-adventure.  The children explored what a map is and identified some of the key features found on a map. They also practised their directional language to help instruct each other how to navigate an area. This came in handy when they visited the Gruffalo trail at Cannock Chase. They were able to locate all the different characters from the story. We then created our own maps to help others to do the same which included a key and a compass rose. We then wrote a wanted poster to describe the Gruffalo's appearance. The children used fantastic descriptive language to help others look out for the beastly creature lurking in the deep, dark woods.


Following on from this, the children were engaged and enthusiastic to learn about how the world was created as part of our Nature and God topic. We discussed the different viewpoints of how the world was first made for a range of religions to see how they compared. We then studied The Creation Story in detail to show the beliefs that Christians hold about the world being created by God in seven days. As part of this topic, we then read the story 'Stardust'. The children used expanded noun phrases and exclamation sentences to bring their own stories to life.


To spark our curiosity, we then moved on to learning about how plants grow and, with the help of Mr Bamber, planted our very own sunflowers seeds to see the changes a plant goes through. In the classroom, we also created our own fair test to observe how the amount of light affects the growth of a plant. We found out that sunlight is crucial to keep a plant healthy.  Their knowledge on our topic’s plant was exceptional!




Our weekly timetable

The Gruffalo Trail - Cannock Chase 


The children were great geographers during their trip to Cannock Chase. They showed their brilliant map reading skills and used their directional language to help find their way around the Gruffalo Trail. 


They were sure to keep their eyes wide open to make sure no beastly creatures were hiding behind the tall trees as we had heard the Gruffalo's favourite food was children crumble!



Black County Museum 


Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Black Country Museum. The children got to explore the different houses, shops and even got to ride on the red, old bus!


It is also safe to say that the children were very grateful that they no longer have to go outside to use the toilet in the houses we live in today! 


The focus of our trip was to investigate how housing has changed through time. Year 2 began by looking at the modern houses we see today including: flats, bungalows, detached houses, semi-detached houses and terraced house. We then used our learning from the Black Country Museum to see if there were any similarities and difference with housing throughout the 20th century.  To end, the children then studied housing as far back as 1066. They looked at the features of a Motte and Bailey castle and a Stone Keep Castle. 


The lovely people from the Black Country Museum even visited us in school. They helped us to create our own buildings using a variety of different materials. The children were very creative and used their problem solving skills to help make sure their buildings were fit for purpose. 

Sutton Park 


During our first week in Year 2, the children went to Sutton Park as part of their habitats topic. Whilst here, they carried out observations in a range of habitats including short grass, long grass and woodlands. They were great scientist as they recorded, presented and analysed their results to help them understand which animals could be found in each habitat. 


Inspired by their work, the children then helped Mr Bamber to create their very own bug hotel to try and help encourage more wildlife into our school grounds. They showed great team work and enthusiasm with this project.