Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Meet the team
Meet the team
Miss Ainsworth - Class 6 Teacher
Mrs Powell - Class 7 teacher (Monday - Thursday)
Mrs Wiggin - Class 7 teacher (Friday)
Mrs Begum - Teaching assistant across the year group
Both classes in Year 2 have PE every Thursday. Reading and Spelling books are needed in school everyday.
What have we done this term to make us feel Proud?
Year 2 have had a great start to the year this Autumn term packed full of trips, in-school experiences and lots of fun.
The children have showcased their resilience and excellent team work during forest school this term. They have worked hard to practice their orienteering and whittling skills to create their very own gnomes.
We were lucky enough to have a visit from Walsall Art Gallery where the children got creative with making their very own rockets. Some even used slits to help connect their materials together. This is a new technique we learnt.
What we have been learning about this term?
We started off the year with our Gruffalo mini-adventure. The children explored what a map is and identified some of the key features found on a map. They also practised their directional language to help instruct each other how to navigate an area. This came in handy when they visited the Gruffalo trail at Cannock Chase. They were able to locate all the different characters from the story. We then created our own maps to help others to do the same which included a key and a compass rose. We then wrote a wanted poster to describe the Gruffalo's appearance. The children used fantastic descriptive language to help others look out for the beastly creature lurking in the deep, dark woods.
Following on from this, the children then zoomed off into space to learn all about Neil Armstrong’s greatest achievement of being the first man on the moon. The children were fascinated by the moon landing, and some children even went home to carry out their own research of this topic. We also read the book ‘Man on the Moon’ and recreated our own stories of Bob the astronaut. The children included some great description and used a range of conjunctions to make their writing exciting and detailed! As part of this mini-adventure, the children also got the opportunity to create their very own rockets when Walsall Art Gallery visited. We used recycled materials to help us make them.
Autumn 2 was also filled with great learning experiences during our Light and Dark mini-adventure. The children showcased their cutting, grating and mixing skills when making samosas. They were very tasty! For our RE studies, the children learnt all about the story of Rama and Sita and how this links with the traditions of Diwali we see celebrated today by Hindus and Sikhs.
We ended the term looking at the story Meerkat Christmas. We studied Sunny’s route around the globe and learnt all about the 7 continents and 5 oceans.
Our weekly timetable
The Gruffalo Trail - Cannock Chase
The children were great geographers during their trip to Cannock Chase. They showed their brilliant map reading skills and used their directional language to help find their way around the Gruffalo Trail.
They were sure to keep their eyes wide open to make sure no beastly creatures were hiding behind the tall trees as we had heard the Gruffalo's favourite food was children crumble!