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Chuckery Primary School

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 

Meet the team

What have we done this term to make us feel Proud?

The children have had a fabulous time at Laches Wood residential this term. They should be proud of the resilience and team work skills they demonstrated, especially in the cold weather. They took on all the challenges thrown at them and have made us very proud. We are also proud of the whole Year 6 cohort for their respectful and curious attitudes during our Remembrance trip to the National Memorial Arboretum. The children have also produced some fantastic work this term including their ‘make do and mend’ stuffed toys and mod rock poppies.



What we have been learning about this term

We began  this term by learning all about mountains and how these are formed. We researched information about Edmund Hillary and how his team of Tibetan navigators climbed to the summit. We then looked at living things and how to classify them. We talked about how the features of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. We then looked at the characteristics of bacteria and viruses. Finally we set up our own investigation to see which conditions fungi grows best in. Turns out they like it warm and wet! After that, we learnt about what life was like for people living in Britain during WW2.


Our Weekly Timetable

Look what we have been doing this term.