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Chuckery Primary School

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Welcome back

Welcome back to a new school year! 


A warm welcome back to all our children and families and a particularly warm welcome to all of our new families joining our school for the very first time. Welcome to our school family!

This year we are looking forward to welcoming parents back into Praise assemblies again for the first time since the Covid measures were introduced and we are also looking forward to welcoming parents back into school to take part in school workshops, activities and social days. 

This year, we are fortunate enough to have Mr Bamber join our team who will be leading our outdoor activity and forest school sessions with the support of Miss Hewitt who is also new to our school. All our staff are very excited about this provision and we are really enthused about the impact that these sessions will have on our curriculum provision; making learning, real, relevant, exciting and taking our teaching and learning to another level!  

If you would like to know more about these events, please keep your eyes on the school calendar which you can link to from the home page of our website and of course , please do read the school weekly newsletter written by Mr Pearce. These will be available on the webpage each Friday . 

As always , we are here to help our whole community so if there is anything we can do to help , please do pop into the school office anytime after 9.00 am where we will be pleased to offer our support.